
64 Audio Reviews

41 w/ Responses

Nobody understands!!!!!! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

CockRider responds:

Hey man, "this are doom riffs"!

So I haven't seen FotNS in a long ass time, but the one thing that always sticks out in my mind is when that big old summbitch gets punched, starts talking shit and then all of a sudden he inflates and just fucking explodes all over the place. This song is like that, in an awesomely good way. Hahaha. Good to hear from you as always. Keeps its metals \m/

GoreBastard responds:

Thanks man. It would be an awesome skill if I could make songs that made peoples heads explode.

Cheers and Beers!

Demons don't do Aaroca's bidding maybe, but DanJohansen's? They bow before him! Haha. Man you keep putting out bad ass stuff like this and I may start worshiping you. The tune is nice and aggressive and the background synth adds to the mysticism. The thing I love about your music is I can always envision your description of the tracks or see something of my own creation. There isn't a lot of people out there who can do that, but you seem to nail it every freakin' time. Awesomesauce.

DanJohansen responds:

Glad you frikkin dig it bro! I actually have another tune finished where they actually summon this demon XD But I am waiting for a collab solo from someone, so It's on hold, so I thought I'd make a prequel lmao. Glad you think it fits the description man, and I really appreciate the awesome review feedback!

It's so awesome of you to be including your children in the metalness haha. I have a 3 year old and once he begins to understand a little bit more about music I'll be doing some stuff with him too. I think he is gonna be a drummer as well because he too likes to smash shit hahaha. Hell, he already runs into the room when I practice and headbangs with me. Anyway, this was seriously cool. Your kids have awesome skills already and I definitely hope to hear more from y'all. I think Connor might be the next Jordan Rudess!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Awesome!! It all starts at a young age!! Check out my vids on myspace! One little headbanger at under a year...etc. haha.

We'll have a full out father/ kid collab one day. lol.

Cheers brother. Jordan Rudess is pure end level win.

Damn man, freaking awesome. Has a nice creepy little vibe to it. Definitely reminds me of some ambient/doom bands. It's awesome seeing my favorites branch off from the metal side as well. Bad ass as usual!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Always fun to do other stuffs! Also, great to hear from you, brother!!! Thanks muchly and glad you dig ity !

You know you're an awesome composer when you can have different people feel different things while listening to your music. This song put me back on the plains of Hyrule, Ocarina of Time style, riding Epona around aimlessly while trying to kill those damn ghosts to get my last bottle. You sir, are amazing.

DanJohansen responds:

Awesome review man, glad you reflect on RPG's again as that is what I am mostly inspired by :D
I can see what you wrote as well for this tune, very fitting.
Thanks a lot man!

The city you describe sounds like a hipster paradise lol. I bet they all wear v neck t-shirts and listen to completely obscure bands on vinyl only. But how would a city full of people listen to bands no one has ever heard of? All of the hipsters would try to out "vintage" each other. Slowly, all of the hipsters who felt their vintage level was the same would start grouping up and forming vintage gangs, these gangs would slowly grow, dividing the city of Adventua in half. Not the typical "north vs south" division though. No, these are hipsters! They would do something you have totally never heard of before, like dividing the city diagonally or something, just to prove how hipster they are. Thus begins The Great Hipster War of *insert year here*. Now, all of us metal heads would then see a golden opportunity in this situation. We could wipe the hipster menace from the face of the earth with two strategically placed thermometal...urlar... devices.... I don't know I was trying to fit something metal in. We will call these two bombs... "Priest and Maiden", because come on, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden are metal as fuck. Rap wants in on the action too, so they jump in with their Tec-9s and Glock 10s, all firing goofy and shit just like the bunch of knuckle draggers they are. They don't realize though, the radiation from a thermometalular device is 100 billion times worse than regular nuclear devices. They are all melted within minutes. Country is like "well shit I want some too" but they are all too drunk to get off of their porch swings, so they just fire their shit off in the air and hollar a bunch of unintelligent nonsense about how "DER TOORK ER JOORBS". This is okay though, because Metal needs a drinking buddy, and Country is pretty damn good at drinking... and they like guns, so we have no quarrel with them. Now Pop. Poor Pop. They see Adventua completely destroyed, so they ban together to raise money to help survivors get back on their feet. Only there are NO survivors, so the money just goes to fueling their constant demand for mainstream, sample heavy music. We bomb them with a newly developed, much higher yield "Dio" bomb, and they are vaporized. All that are left is a bunch of places that don't really step on Metal's toes that often, so all is now right with the world. This was way longer than I ever intended it to be... but I saw a golden opportunity and I took it hahaha. Awesome shit as usual. It reminds me of video game music a lot. Like something out of an old school RPG on SNES or something. Brilliant.

DanJohansen responds:

hahahaahha man, you wrote one hell of a Hipster story.. I thought the part of the Dio bomb was hilarious.

And yeah, I make kind of video gamish tracks, and I am a huge fan of old school RPG's.. man, can't hide anything from you! :D

So I come on here daily to give all of your songs a 5 in hopes that as much of your stuff stays at the top of the list as possible so EVERYONE here on Newgrounds can see how fucking awesome your music is. I'm gonna buy your album this paycheck and jam this shit every damn day. When I said you were my favorite, I wasn't kidding hahaha. Completely in a non-creepy way though... ;)

DanJohansen responds:

hahaha Thanks a frikkin lot man, you rock for saying that man, I appreciate that more than you might think. Keep on rockin :D YEAH!!

You are by far my favorite musician on newgrounds. Period.

DanJohansen responds:

Thanks a lot man, glad you think so! :D You got some bad ass shit going on yourself!

IT'S NOT A TOOMAH!!! OK... maybe it is a toomah, but this is fucking sweet.

GoreBastard responds:

A sweet toomah of misery!

I am guitarded.


Shreddy Krueger

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