Okay, so my computer is going to be fixed mid next week. What I would like to accomplish once that is done is a mother fucking collaboration so epic, so violent, that anyone who listens to it will shit their small intestines out of their asshole. Any takers? I would like to have 3 or 4 guitarists in on this and then someone to do the drum loops and the mixing. Everyone is encouraged to throw ideas at me and yadda yadda... I already have an idea for what I want this to be called. Something along the lines of "Planetary Curb Stomp" because that sounds brutal in epic proportions. Anyway, anyone interested should respond to this or send me a PM with some information as to how I can get a hold of you. Thanks and stay metal.
You uh..
Jot my name down, right?
And its Monday..so a few more days right? haha.
Hurry up. I need to curb some little bitches.
You look like you were lit on fire...then put out..and poked with dirty needles.
Ha yeah, my friend did that in photoshop... I'm supposed to be a zombie... I think it looks pretty sick, like my ass. DAMN! Yeah, my parts will be in tomorrow, so after I get done cleaning the upstairs in my apartment, I'll throw all that shit in there and I'll get a hold of you if I can and start throwing ideas around. You should download AIM though so it would be a lot easier. We could get in a private chatroom or something if we get another person and just start tossing shit around... like small children... or women. Whichever.